Saturday, June 7, 2008

Continuing the Revolution

I would like to comment on what I have come to realize from this revolution and what I think we must do to continue it. I have been looking into these other parties and there political platforms (with the exception of the blatantly open socialist parties) as I'm sure most of us have done already and have come to the conclusion that they are all fundamentally constitutionalist, no matter what they or we may call ourselves. Basically, whether or not you are a member of any of these other parties is irrelevant, our universal desire to protect our liberties and our belief in limited government as laid out in our constitution and our strict interpretation thereof is what defines us and makes us different from the two primary parties and there members. It is for us the proverbial line in the sand that we have drawn around ourselves that separates us from them, even though it is clear that even amongst ourselves we can still fall into the categories of liberal or conservative (in the traditional sense) or somewhere in between the two. What I believe this boils down to however is a matter of personal choice. It is these choices that we make in life that define us individually. We also tend not to be as polarized as our counterparts are on the other side of the line. So, whether we consider ourselves individually as conservative republicans, constitutionalist, populist, libertarians or independents we are all fundamentally, at our very core, constitutionalist above all else. Dr. Paul called out to us and we the grassroots laid down our differences willingly and enthusiastically for the sake of liberty and change.

I will sum this up and say it is evident that no constitutionalist, libertarian, populist, or traditional conservative will ever be elected as president of these United States because parties divide and we my friends, have become very divided because of this. If we are to become a formidable force with in the current political arena then we must formally unite these parties. Now, with that being said, we all know that this just isn't going to happen all by its self. So what I am suggesting to all of you is a grassroots push to get these parties to formally unite in the name of liberty and our constitution Let us continue to set aside our personal differences at least until we have achieved our goals. It is I feel the only way this revolution can continue, particularly in the event we fail to get Dr. Paul the nomination. It has now become apparent, that he will not.

I applaud the efforts of those patriots that have tried to infiltrate and change the republican party from the inside out. It is an avenue worth taking but ultimately this will take time, time we may very well may not have. Again, I applaud these efforts, however, we need change and we need it fast, during this current election, and we are running out of time. Further more if we fail in our attempt at taking over the GOP what will we do then? I believe this revolution can be fought on many fronts this is just one of them.

There is know reason why we cannot accept each others individuality, as human nature, and formally unite to fight the encroaching tyranny that we will all soon face, up close and personal. So consider what I am saying by uniting the third parties. We are many but we are divided. Together we can offer a solution if we will continue to set aside our differences for the common goal of a Constitutional limited government. Isn't that what we all want. Isn't it!

Now if your with me on this, I would like to make a suggestion as to how we can accomplish such a goal. We pledge our support for a merger and upon this merger, we will do for them (us) what we did for Dr. Paul. But it must be a complete union of parties to garner our support. By pooling there resources and by our support we may very well create a formidable party within the current political arena. We desperately need a strong third party in this country, not all of these splinter groups. We fight for liberty and our constitution. Nothing more, nothing less, until we have achieved our goal. Also we can pledge to pull our support if they don't comply to the will of the people they claim to support! So enough with the games, enough with the bickering between parties, it's time to take this battle to a another front, along with infiltrating the GOP. I believe this should be it. Unite the parties!

All who fight for liberty and the republic are worthy to be called Patriot.

Please show your support or objections by taking the poll on the right of this page and leaving your comments.
If you agree with me on uniting the parties, then please follow the link on the right, to sign the pledge.

Thanks, J.D. Padgett
Fellow patriot trying to make a difference.

1 comment:

J.D. Padgett said...

Hey, really would like some input. So far there has been 6 votes and they are yeas.