Saturday, June 14, 2008

Third Party Run Off?

In the spirit of uniting the third parties, I propose a third party runoff. If indeed, each candidate believes in a CLG (constitutional limited government) then we the people should decide who we wish to represent us. Can we unite behind one candidate? In light of Dr. Paul not running third party, it has left most of us wondering what to do, who to vote for. I divided third party vote will get us know where, but a united third party vote could indeed send a message. I realize that this is a simple blog, with a simple idea, however, it is imperative that we the people pull together in an attempt to have a show of force. It cost you nothing to cast your vote and it cost you nothing to support this idea. A strong, formidable third party, should be our goal. As a show of support, I ask you to take this poll and consider its results. This blog is only meant to inspire and unite. The power is ours and liberty our goal. So cast your vote!!!

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